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We have modern facilities and many years of experience performing surgeries on small animals.

We carry out operations in the theatre at the practice, both routine and the more unusual.

Our vets are very experienced and competent in a wide range of procedures, such that we even have clients travelling down from London to be operated on at Court Vets.

That said, if we know that your pet requires specialist equipment or expertise, we will happily refer them to one of the large referral hospitals.

All pets are monitored throughout their operation by a fully-trained, experienced member of our nursing team, and careful records are kept of all anaesthetics and operations.

Most pets receive a pre-med, an injection given before the anaesthetic, which relaxes your pet and reduces the amount of anaesthetic that we give. This makes inducing anaesthesia safer and less stressful.

All pets in this practice are maintained under anaesthetic with Sevofluorane, one of the safest and most modern anaesthetic gasses.

We keep everything as clean as possible. The vets scrub up using a specially formulated gel and wear sterilised gowns and gloves during the procedure. Your pet will be shaved in the operation site area, their skin scrubbed and sterilised and then covered in sterilised drapes.

We operate using instruments that have been sterilised at high temperatures in an autoclave, laid out on a sterilised cloth and finally your pet will be stitched up using sterile suture material.

Having said all that, we do realise how stressful it is for you when you leave your pet with us for surgery. We promise you that we take good care of them, we keep everything as peaceful and relaxed as possible to reduce their stress and we make sure that they are as pain-free as possible.

A nurse will monitor your pet, keeping them warm, clean and dry and watching them carefully until they are able to sit up and have some breakfast.

We always ring you as soon as we can to let you know that they have had their procedure and have recovered from the anaesthetics.


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