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Nurse Clinics

Our fantastic nursing team offer a range of clinics, including checks for fleas and worms, weight management and dental care.

Our experienced nurses run a variety of clinics to help and support you to give your pet the best in life.

From our free health checks to dental care and weight and nutrition clinics we are here to ensure your pet is fit, healthy and able to live their life to the fullest – treats included!

Our dedicated nurse clinics include the following:

  • Flea and worm checks: Keeping up to date with regular flea, worm and tick treatment is important for you, your pet and the environment. During these clinics we can discuss the range of products we offer and which may be best for you – prevention is better than cure. We can show you how to apply a treatment or we can administer it to your pet for you.
  • Six-monthly health checks: So that we see your pet at least twice a year we offer a free health check six months after their annual vaccination. This way we have the opportunity to pick up any health concerns early.
  • Neutering clinics: Offered from six months of age to discuss and advise you on neutering your pet. Here we can go through benefits of neutering, what is involved in the procedure and the aftercare your pet will require.
  • Socialisation clinics: Great for pets who are fearful or stressed by visits to the vets. A chance for your pet to have a fun trip onto the scales and into the consult room for a mini health check which is reinforced with lots of attention and treats.
  • Weight management clinics: Obesity is an increasing problem among many of our pets which affects their day to day life – and we know it can be difficult to manage. These clinics help us provide you with guidance on diets and nutrition, and a plan to tackle the issues to get your pet to their ideal weight and change their lives for the better.
  • Dental care clinics: By looking after your pet’s teeth and gums they are a lot less likely to face painful dental problems which can come with a handful of problems. Learn how to keep their mouth in tip top condition and with what products.
  • Diabetic clinics: Managing your pet’s diabetes can be difficult, but we are here to help and support you. We can show you how to give insulin, how to monitor their blood glucose levels and provide information on suitable diets and what warning signs to look out for.
  • Senior pet clinics: As our furry family members become older, they are more likely to face health concerns – just like us. Here we can discuss managing conditions such as arthritis, kidney and liver disease, heart problems and other issues. We will check them for any early signs of a health concern and we’ll take bloods too.
  • Post-operative checks: Following your pet’s operation we will see them back at two and 10 days post-op to ensure they have recovered from the general anaesthetic and that their wounds are healing well. We will remove any stitches that need to come out at day 10 and we will discuss any further after care required.
  • K-laser sessions: We use the K-laser widely in practice as a treatment to help reduce inflammation, reduce pain, increase circulation and enhance tissue repair. It is very popular amongst our clients with arthritic patients and we also use it after most surgical operations to help the wounds to heal.
  • Administering immunotherapy, cartrophen injections and second vaccines.
  • Nail trims and anal gland expressing.

Our nurses are always at hand to help and advise you where they can but please be aware nurses are not permitted to diagnose or prescribe prescription medication, and they may need to book you in to see one of our vets.


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