
We provide all of your dog, cat and other small animal’s vaccinations, including yearly boosters and starter courses for young and rehomed pets.

We would recommend that all dogs, cats and rabbits are vaccinated from eight weeks of age and have annual boosters as appropriate.

Dogs are routinely vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and leptospirosis.

Cats are routinely vaccinated against feline enteritis, two forms of cat flu and feline leukaemia virus.

Rabbits should be routinely vaccinated against myxomatosis and both forms of viral haemorrhagic disease.

At the practice we use vaccines manufactured by Nobivac MSD, including rabies vaccination for travelling pets.

Why should I vaccinate my pet?

Serious viral disease can lead to permanent disability, or in some cases be fatal. We can prevent our pets from getting some of these diseases by vaccination.

Why should my pet have vaccine boosters?

Each vaccination will protect your pet for only a certain amount of time.

If your pet has regular booster vaccinations, you can be sure of lifelong protection from these terrible diseases.

Health checks included

When your pet comes in for vaccination, we carry out a health check to ensure that they are healthy.

If not, we will discuss this with you and suggest how we might treat the problem or recommend further tests to diagnose exactly what is going on.

Early detection of health problems may prevent them from getting beyond treatment.

Please vaccinate – keep your pets safe.